Emily Brontë published Wuthering Heights, a dark, strange and scandalous novel, one year before her death at the age of thirty. History has remembered her childhood playing on the moors near the Yorkshire village where her father, the clergyman, raised his family. She wrote poems and invented an imaginary kingdom to escape this strict and stifling environment.

Catherine grew up with her adopted brother Heathcliff and fell in love with the abandoned boy. But childhood games have no place in the adult world, and it is the wealthy heir, Edgar, whom the young girl marries. In separating Catherine and Heathcliff and desecrating the paradise of their childhood, society creates a monster hellbent on revenge.

Wuthering Heights is a story of ghosts and social violence. Emily Brontë’s language is impassioned and dangerous, shattering the moral prison of the Victorian era. La Phenomena brings this monumental work of world literature into the present day, searching beneath the fiction to unravel the mystery of an author who took refuge in her work. The project seeks to translate her voice onto the stage with a cast of powerful actors.

based on the life and work of Emily Brontë
direction Maëlle Dequiedt
dramaturgy Simon Hatab
scenography Heidi Folliet
costume design Solène Fourt-Meiche
lighting design Auréliane Pazzaglia
composition Nadia Ratsimandresy
choreography Olga Dukhovna
stage manager Jori Desq
production Hanna Mauvieux

with Youssouf Abi-Ayad, Lucas Faulong, Émilie Incerti-Formentini, Séphora Pondi, Nadia Ratsimandresy (musical waves)

premiere 2026
coproduction (in progress) Phénix – Scène Nationale de Valenciennes, Comédie de Colmar – Centre dramatique national Grand Est Alsace, Manège de Maubeuge – Scène Nationale transfrontalière, Théâtre de la Bastille, with the support of Théâtre du Nord – Centre Dramatique National