Émilie Incerti Formentini – actress

Before joining the École du Théâtre National de Strasbourg in 1999, Émilie Incerti Formentini trained at the École de Chaillot. She worked with Abbes Zahmani and Michelle Marquais in D’honorables canailles. On leaving the École, she joined the TNS company and performed in Kleist’s The Schroffenstein Family, created by Stéphane Braunschweig, and under the direction of Laurent Gutmann in News from Plateau S by Oriza Hirata. She then worked with Yann-Joël Collin in Violences by Didier-Georges Gabily (2003), Hédi Tillette de Clermont-Tonnerre in Marcel B (2004), Manon Savary in L’Illusion comique by Corneille (2006), Bérangère Jannelle in Twelfth Night (2014), Éric Vigner in L’Illusion comique (2015), and Benoît Bradel in Au Bois by Claudine Galéa. She regularly collaborates with Guillaume Vincent: Nous, les héros and Histoire d’amour by Jean-Luc Lagarce (2006), L’Éveil du printemps (2010), Le Petit Claus et le grand Claus by Andersen (2011), La nuit tombe… , Rendez-vous Gare de l’Est – which earned her a Molières nomination for Best Actress (2015) -, Songes et Métamorphoses (2016), Love me tender – an adaptation of Raymond Carver’s short stories presented as part of the TNB Festival (2018) -, and Les Mille et Une Nuits (2019).

Stabat Mater
Wuthering Heights